I can't believe it's less than three weeks until I leave for staging!!! Even more, I can't believe I'm not very nervous at all. People keep asking if I am nervous or scared, and I keep waiting for those feelings to set in as I get closer to departing. But, so far, none of that. Of course there is a nagging sort of nervousness about leaving my family and friends for so long; but that is much more about being sad to leave them behind than what I'm headed towards. Also, inevitably, there is the crazed nervousness about everything I have to get done before I leave! But, all things considered, I'm in pretty good shape.
For now, I am trying to get everything moved out of the apartment (so long, gorgeous view! so sad to leave it) and getting ready to visit my bests in New York- SO excited. Then home for a few days for qulaity family time, before an early departure on 8-9-10. I've always been into numbers, superstitions, etc, so I'm taking it as a very good sign that I'm leaving on such a date.
So, until then, I guess! <3