Tuesday, August 10, 2010


Corps Volunteers Are
Confused Already.

You know you're in for a wild two years when the mission statement of the 50 year old program you're about to join includes (in the same sentence) the expectation of volunteers to be both idealistic and pragmatic. Yes, I get where they're going with it. Still, that's like a win-win situation; lovely to wish for but... maybe a little more on the idealistic side? True to the family genes, I have always been much more of a pragmatist than an idealist (which is maybe why I take such issue with the combination of those words), but I don't think that has ever stopped me from having big ideas or goals...just from having stupid ones. (Just kidding- sort of.)

Idealist or pragmatist, we are all on our way to our new homes bright and early tomorrow (yes, Mr. Hotel Front Desk Man, I DID say 3 a.m. for our wake up call, thank youu) and I'm actually starting to get super excited. This morning before orientation the nerves kicked in major (my hands were shaking! I've never had that happen!) but I'm just ready to get this show on the road (or in the air, as the case may be) and start this thing already.

DC was a nice little middle step- I got to see two wonderful friends and a sister, which is always nice =) quite the lovely way to wrap up my time in the states. It was nice to have some familiar, loving faces here to calm the nerves a bit. Nothing beats a hug from a dear one when you aren't feeling completely sure of yourself. Well, except maybe pulling out a random crossword puzzle your aunt packed you to find it is all about your lucky number 8 (which also happened- I'm taking it as a good sign!). Sooooo, I've packed up all my junk, secured my new Government Official Passport (impressed? I know.), and hugged the last loved ones to head off to Guatemala (via Miami) at the crack of dawn tomorrow! Hasta Luego~


  1. Very impressed about the Government Passport. A little jealous, too...

    Good luck bud!

  2. Love the Haiku...who wrote it?

    If you weren't nervous, you'd be a robot!
