Dearest Aunt Su-B,
Here is your stupid blog post.
Shut it, por favor.
(ps, this blog title is not directed at you, it's just a great song)
this picture, however, is:

So, although I have no good life updates I am posting a quick blog to stop the torrent of post-a-blog-now-haikus flooding my inbox from my favorite aunt. Life has been completely uneventful because, turns out, we don't go back to work until the 10th (which i did not find out until i went to work on the 3rd, sat on the office steps for an hour, called my counterpart repeatedly and finally received an e-mail from her at 11 that night). So i have literally simply been sitting around. High point of the week: we got new phones! Peace Corps decided to provide us with phones that give us free calls to other volunteers and a certain number of free minutes each month. Unfortunately, this required us to travel three+ hours to Jalapa to pick them up, just to turn around and come home immediately so that we could catch our connecting busses. Other than that, I have been reading crappy books and working on the INFURIATING puzzle my mother sent me for christmas (gee, thanks...). Annnnnnd, that's all!
(Happy now, Andy?)
Love to all-
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