Saturday, August 28, 2010

D Day, and other amusing Guatemalan moments

There has been way, way too much going on this week to try to write about it all, so it's going to have to be a Best Of list instead:

-First off, tuesday at common session it was D Day- meaning medical session on Diarrhea. This included singing the diarrhea song (when your sliding in to first, and your stomach's gonna burst, diarrhea, diarrhea...) and a "Fart Chart" which included fun facts such as that farts come out of you at a speed of 7 mph. Let's just say there was a lot of bathroom humor...

-Wednesday was the big fair day in our town- starting at 2 am with fireworks and a discoteque bus driving through the town blasting music. Later that day, San Luis was returned to our house after being paraded throughout the town, welcomed with more fireworks and a shrine in the dining room. My family made chuchitos- dumpling type things cooked in corn leaves- and ponche, which consisted of basically every fruit you could imagine simmered over the stove into a juice with cloves and cinnamon. It was probably drink I've ever had, and would have been even better with some whiskey ;) That night there was a concert on the soccer field and the band played "listen to the rhythm of the falling rain", only in spanish, mariachi style.

-Thursday we travelled to Pachalum to visit a muni volunteer, and we got to be on her radio show. Celebrity status in guatemalaaa.

-The other day we were walking our usual route, up Cerro Nino (which means "child hill", but let me tell you this hill is no baby!) and we passed a school with the global visionaries logo on it, which is the group i came to Guatemala with the first time I was here! I asked my host mom about it and she said indeed some gringos had come to help build the school. It was so weird to see that familiar logo in this tiny little town that seems so far away from my life then!

Other than that, we have been doing tons of spanish classes (I can also now identify all 22 departments of guatemala and their captials, thank youuu) and hanging out with the fam. Wilson and I are pretty much hooked at the hip, and apparently he says my name in his sleep even. The family calls him "El Nene Feo" (Ugly baby) and if you ask him who El Nene Feo is he responds enthusiastically "Yo!". It reminds me so much of my grandma (although her favored term of affection was "stupid little baby"). This week is filled with a lot of school type stuff- group paper on our community due tuesday, a group presentation on organizational development on thursday... So, here we are in Antigua doing "work" (obviously) on it. I also finally found good coffee at, of all places, the Bagel Barn.

Anddd, that's about it. So... The end. (more pictures soon!)

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